CHAOS seems to be the theme of 2020

Once again it feels like just the other I sat down and got stuck into writing a blog, but in reality it’s been awhile since my last one. For me life had been in this weird space of both carrying on and being on pause. While we in New Zealand have seemingly successfully navigated Levels 4 and 3 of our Covid Alert system; the sun rose each morning, yet so much of life was “on hold”. And now we have moved down through Level 2 and now after several weeks of Level 1 some sense of “normality” was happening before New Zealand had a “second waves” cluster/s appear in the last few weeks.

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Wow, what a week!

It’s been a full on week!
Life is always interesting and more so when you tend to speak up for yourself and those you identify with and this week I’ve learnt that it a big way. Sometimes, even though it feels sometimes you’re talking to yourself, people are in fact listening.

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