Just like that it’s 2021, where did 2020 go??

2020 seems to have flown by, I know that it’s been a year none of us will forget. Globally Covid has been a bit of a shit-show; I am thankful and grateful to be in New Zealand and the decisions our leadership has made. On a personal level was a year of re-examining what is important to me and prioritizing, a year of accessing the medical and disability services and support that would have been beneficial over the last two decades. I guess like many, it’s been a year of uncertainty, confusion and a rapidly changing “normal”.

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CHAOS seems to be the theme of 2020

Once again it feels like just the other I sat down and got stuck into writing a blog, but in reality it’s been awhile since my last one. For me life had been in this weird space of both carrying on and being on pause. While we in New Zealand have seemingly successfully navigated Levels 4 and 3 of our Covid Alert system; the sun rose each morning, yet so much of life was “on hold”. And now we have moved down through Level 2 and now after several weeks of Level 1 some sense of “normality” was happening before New Zealand had a “second waves” cluster/s appear in the last few weeks.

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January started quietly then ramped up!

It’s been an intense couple of weeks that’s for sure!

So after taking it easy for a few months it’s time for me to start putting my toes back in the waters of Enabling Good Lives and being more active again in taking control of what I can control and try to let go of the rest. Which is hard, I seem to be “hard wired” to just get in there and make it happen. I also have a lot going on with the “medical” side of life coming up so I’m prioritizing what I do and how much I take on this year.

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I know I said I’d be more posting more regularly…. then I went AWOL. Now it’s a new decade!

Disclaimer: All thoughts and opinions shared in this blog are my opinion and written from a personal experience. My opinions do not represent any organisation that I collaborate or work with.

Well I know that I said I would be posting more regularly in my last blog, then I promptly seemed to fall off the planet. Honestly though whanau; I had a mental breakdown at the end of August. It’s taken me until now to get my head together again enough to write. It’s been a case of surviving so I can once again thrive.

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You may have noticed some changes!

If you have been following closely to this page you may have noticed some changes recently. Although I have been incredibly busy with Enabling Good Lives, a lot of things have still been on the go behind the scenes.

One of the things that has been going on is a bit of an update, refresh and upgrade of this page. The bulk of the “foundation” work is now done but some additional bits and pieces will be continue to be quietly updated over the next few months. We’ll be tweaking a few things, adding more photos and I will be trying to write a little more regularly now that I have a more “Antnz friendly” interface to be working with.

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Where does the time go??

Where did the last two years go??

The Facebook “Memories” function is both a blessing and a curse sometimes.  It can be a curse by reminding us of sometimes painful moments, but the flip side of that is that “Memories” can also be a way remembering the good times and pivotal moments of your life as well.

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I’m still here, I’ve just have been really inconsistent with posting!

I’m still around!

If you only follow me via this blog, you would be right in thinking that I have fallen off the grid! Although sometimes falling off the grid sounds like a wonderful idea I haven’t gone to that extent!  The truth is between working hard on various bits and pieces in the community, going away and looking after myself, writing blogs consistently has been well down on the list of things to do. 

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First post in awhile

It’s been a pretty busy few months!

This is my first post for a couple of months. I’ve been busy, and then really sick with that flu that has been going around and then really busy again.

I put together a bit of a video of spur of the moment footage I took at the Mana Whaikaha Expo and Information day. (I will transcribe as soon as I get a chance!) The footage nor the editing is flash but I wanted to show people what we are up to.

Find the video here: https://youtu.be/HB-of_aLQY4

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Yes, I’ve been a “bad” blogger

A bit of an update

Yes I have been quite the last couple of months.  It’s been hectic, I’ve been tired and had a few health things surface that I have needed to deal with as well. All this led to me having to step away from the keyboard for a few weeks. So strap in for a brief overview of the last couple of months. I guess at times you just have to survive so you can go on to thrive again, so I’ve just been taking the steps to get back to thriving lately.
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