I took a few days out.
It’s been almost 2 weeks since my last blog, I had a bit of a health blip and needed to stop and actually rest for a few days.
This week started with the 4th meeting of the Safeguarding Working Group. Being part of this group has been really intense. I came onto the group to ensure that the disability community wasn’t “over safeguarded”, due to wanting to protect people from harm considering perceived risks. I totally agree, acknowledge and understand the need to protect people and particularly those in a “vulnerable person’s” (Crimes Act definition of Vulnerable person) position, but I had concerns that in order to protect people, regulation and/or policy would be restricting others choice to participate in “risky” activities. “Risk” is different for everyone and each persons individual circumstances must be considered.
Another busy start to the week.
No rest for the wicked?
This week I had the second of the Safeguarding Work Stream meetings for Enabling Good Lives. I’m still trying to get used to urban travel. We travel down to Wellington on a Monday afternoon for the meetings held on Tuesdays. It appears that heading to Wellington once a week (most weeks) will be likely for the next couple of months for this type of work as I am participating in the Network Building Work Stream as well.
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Time to take stock
It’s go, go, rest.
I’ll be honest, I haven’t been as productive as could have been this week. I’m not hugely upset by that, sometimes I would be but this week I’m just not too bothered.
Monday saw me head to Wellington for the first of my Work Stream meetings for the “Safeguarding” within Enabling Good Lives on Tuesday. I realised that I’m really not used to “urban” travel when I only had to pack one change of clothes and toiletries. I’m so used to having pack literally everything I’d need, it feels very odd to have only one small bag and ADNZ Ben’s bags.
So this week was pretty full on!
This week was busy so strap in, there’s a lot to talk about! I’m going to do a quick wrap up then get into things a little more.
So my week went something like this….
Monday: Interview with Mike Pulman for his Livestream:
Full livestream can be found here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=493098714393801&id=222784628091879
Quick Video Update:
A quick update, trying to keep it simple. All links required should be in the YouTube description. There is a transcript, if its not let there or the links don’t work me know and I’ll try something new, this is very much a learning curve for me!
Feel free to comment below!!!
Another busy week!
Life is certainly not boring!
My last blog was specifically written about what was on my mind after a challenge was issued by some in the disability community, that we need more people to step up and take some initiative in speaking our own stories. I will get back to this later in this post but I just want to let you know how the rest of my week went.
Time to change gears a little!
It’s time to step up and create change!
So a lot has happened since my last post. This post is just going to cover one topic, and I’ll write more during the week about what else I have been up to!
General update.
I haven’t posted a lot since the climbing competition. Once we got home and got ADNZ Ben sorted out, I crashed and have been having a few health issues.